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How to Get Rid of Writer's Block Writer's block will only impede your writing for days, weeks, or months if you let it linger, which is why writer’s block extermination is key. Here are 6 ways to get out of the dreaded writer's crutches: 1) Force yourself to write a little bit every day. 2) If you haven’t written in weeks, look back over your writing. This will jolt your brain into gear and help you remember how to write. 3) Take a break from the discipline of writing. Get some fresh air or do something that is far away from your desk or computer screen. A change of scenery often helps to get rid of writer’s block. A 20-minute walk can do wonders for your mind! 4) Sometimes, what you think is writer’s block isn’t really writer's block at all. If you are struggling to write, take a step back and re-evaluate your progress. 5) Get some ideas for writing. It is important to have an idea of the direction that you are going in with your story or novel. If you are just beginning to write your first book, it is helpful to have a project of some kind so that it seems real even before you have written anything at all! 6) Clean up your writing space. This doesn’t mean throwing out all of your old manuscripts or notes, but it does mean cleaning up the clutter on your desk or lap top so that it is easier for you mentally to focus on what comes next. 7) Find a quiet place to write. Writing can be very distracting if you do not have a space that is away from the distraction of television, phones, and family members. At least make your space as distraction-free as possible before you begin. 8) Keep a notepad with you at all times. When an idea pops into your head, write it down immediately. You may think that you will remember it later, but forgetfulness happens more often than we realize! 9) Finding time to write can be difficult or easy depending on who you are and what your life is like. Some people are able to be disciplined and write every day, while others may struggle with writer’s block for months at a time. 10) With any writing that is done, you will find it easier to find time to write if you can find some way of rewarding yourself. You can always treat yourself on your birthday or on holidays if you want some time off from work! As far as this blog post goes, I was not able to reply on any of the comments. But I did try to respond on the sidebar.


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